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Hi humans! It's me, Ami


"Do or do not, there is no try." Yoda, Mester.

Game Dev

  • Unity3D Development
  • Intermediary Game Server knwoledge
  • UI/UX for games
  • Program game core or plugins integration
  • C#, C++, C, and a little bit of Java and OpenGL


  • Native apps and game development
  • MVC model development
  • Swift and Objective-C


  • User Interface and Experience
  • Making sure that its awesome and useful
  • Sketching and then putting it into practice ;)

2D Art

  • Pixel Art
  • A little bit of digital paiting
  • Photoshop & Illustrator skills
  • A LOT of stickmans!


  • Frontend
  • Backend
  • API
  • Javascript, noSQL databases, ajax, HTML/CSS, Vue.js

Mixed up

  • Intermadiary knowledge of infosec
  • Agile and Scrum technics
  • Intermediary knowledge of 2D/3D animations
  • Intermediary knowledge in video editing
  • Debugs is a pleasure to me! Love to solve bugs
  • I love learning new things, challenges are my passion
  • Always trying to improving my skills (and my code)
  • Very dedicated and funny person (at least that's what my mom told me)
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Rett Syndrome App

The most notorious project i done in BEPiD was the first app of HealthKit/Researchkit (Apple framework to medical researches) in South America, the Rett Syndrome App. We develop the app in partnership with the French Association of Rett Syndrome (AFSR). Rett Syndrome is a rare genetic disease that affect only young girls, and unfortunately doesn't exists cure yet.

Our app is basically an diary for the little carrier of Rett syndrome, where almost all data are collected automatically in Apple Watch. And after that all the data collected is made available for the researches all around the world, for them study the disease in more depth. Before our app, only big universities (Harvard/Stanford/Johns Hopkins) have implemented Research Kit.

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Wow Animals

Wow Animals

In this game you play with Bio, Capy and Tufo have to find the 15 animals hidden in the various biomes of the world! Keep your eyes open: animals are masters of hiding, but they leave some clues! It's a game developed for young kids, focused on teaching biomes and animals to them.

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It's a game from a Brazilian TV show called Luna's Lab. There are 10 different games to play, sing, and learn with the characters from Earth To Luna.

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Teaching math to elementary school students in an attractive and simple way is what the MIND Research Institute has been looking for since its foundation in 1998. The solution found was a set of games based on interactive visual feedback, called ST Math (Spatial-Temporal Mathematics) , with as little text and as much immersion as possible to help the platform’s mascot, the Jiji penguin, cross the screen.

Currently, the mathematical teaching platform reaches more than 1.8 million students in 7 thousand schools, helping more than 80 thousand teachers to apply more interactive and interesting classes in the classroom. A project that required a great commitment from our team specialized in educational games, and that, in addition, had the opportunity to remember the math classes of elementary school.

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Conquer the mountain

Game developed to Apple TV, where you play with the remote to do the rights moves and colour the mountain before your opponent.

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Heart Beat It

A game where you play with Jack, a runner that needs to compass heart beat to get as far as possible. If you miss the right beat, he warns you that you had some heart disease according to the mistake.

The game was made to warn people about our heart health, and to have some fun while learning.

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Make Me Fat

Play a game where you can eat all food until you explodes!

Eat, puke, explodes, laugh. That is the game! Be our little guy called Gigio, fool the waiter and get all the food you ever wanted. Play with your friends to challenge who makes more points, buy awesome power up and mostly: Have fun!

App Store

Google Play

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App for support doctors from the public health care system(SUS) in Brazil. Developed in my old startup called Darkshine.

App Store

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Gun Blast: Bricks Breaker!

When I worked at Gazeus Games we developed tools for Gazeus external developers, where I have to make sure that their life is easier. And also make sure that all monetization, analytics tracking, cross game promotion is doing well. Gun Blast was one of our most successful games made out from our tools.

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Women up Games

Women up Games is a social initiative to bring (and give support) more women to the gaming world, from players to developers. I have so proud of being part of Women Up Games in 1 year and a half.

I've been learning so much in each workshop we give, inspire women in the gaming world is our main goal! Nowadays i take care of our female CS:GO(Counter Strike Global Offensive) team, called Number Six Victory, besides give lectures about game industry and how its like to be a programmer girl.

We also take care of a Facebook group for share jobs, to bring more women to tech companies. I am so much thankful for all I conquered, but for me this is just the beginning. My biggest goal is to inspire more women to program and follow their dreams.

Our Facebook

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What have i done

Besides keep at home playing games and studying, i've done some stuffs (i guess)


Let's talk about aliens and coffee! (or maybe something serious, like Star Wars...)


  • Wow
  • Animals






Gun Blast


  • Conquer
  • the Mountain


Heart Beat it


  • Make
  • me fat



Social Cause

Women Up Games